High School Scoop - Monday December 9, 2019
Monday December 9, 2019
Keep track of how the new hires from around college football are filling their coaching staffs. Starting with The Scoop's FBS Staff Tracker - 2019-20.
Cumberland County (TN): Head coach Eric Belew has stepped down after one season.
Winfield (WV): Winfield HS is looking for an offensive line coach or defensive minded coach with the potential to be a defensive coordinator. This is a county paid contract position. Please contact Head Coach Craig Snyder at crsnyder@k12.wv.us.
DePaul College Prep (Chicago, IL): DePaul College Prep has multiple Varsity and JV coaching positions open for the 2020 season, with stipends at both levels. Teaching positions opening at the end of the school year in certain subjects. DePaul competes in the CCL / ESCC. If interested, send resume to Head Football Coach Michael Passarella at mpassarella@depaulprep.org.
Thomasville (GA):Thomasville HS, located 30 minutes north of Tallahassee, FL, is looking to potentially buy out an opponent for the 2020-2021 football seasons. There are presently two dates that are currently available to fill one game. For the 2020 season, these dates are 9/18/2020 and 9/25/2020. For the 2021 season, the dates would be 9/17/2021 and 9/24/2021. If you are interested please email Athletic Director Chris Merritt at merrittc@tcitys.org.
Haywood (TN): Haywood HS is looking for an assistant coach to join our staff. We are coming off of a 12-2 season, region title, and state semi-final appearance. All teaching certifications will be considered for this position. Please send your resumes to head coach chris.smith@hcsk12.net.
Marysville (CA): Marysville will have the following open positions at the end of the season: Varsity-Running Back Coach JV- All assistant positions. Freshmen- Head Coach, All assistant positions. There are opportunities for teaching positions as well. Math and English will have openings. We are looking to fill a math position in December. Please go to this link, and it will lead you to the math position available. The english position will be posted in the spring. We are looking for professional, hard working and dependable guys who like to work and are in the business for the right reasons. We believe student-Athletes in the football program at Marysville High School should exemplify the highest ideas of scholarship, sportsmanship and citizenship. Young student-athletes in this program will be expected to be courteous, respectful, and responsible at all times. If you have any interest in the above positions please contact Jeff Freeman via email and send in your resume to jfreeman@mjusd.k12.ca.us.
Lee County (GA): Lee County HS has an opening for a wide receivers coach. Must hold a GA teaching certificate. Any certification will work. If interested e-mail a resume to fabriziode@lee.k12.ga.us
Gibsonburg (OH): Head coach Mike Lee has decided to step down to spend more time with his family after two seasons and a 19-2 record.
Marcos de Niza (Tempe, AZ): Marcos de Niza HS is taking applications for our Head Football Coaching position. For more details please email Athletic Director Lenica Ruiz at lruiz@tempeunion.org.
Smith County (Carthage, TN): Smith County HS has two openings available, one is for an offensive coordinator and the other offensive line coach. We have a position available in Wellness and others TBD. Applicants must have strong work ethic, and knowledge of football fundamentals, as well as the ability to work with other coaches to advance the program. Previous coordinating experience is a plus, as is experience working with Offensive line in different schemes.. If interested, please send a resume as well as references to Head Coach Scott Murray at scott.murray@smithcoedu.net.
Armijo (Fairfield, CA): Armijo HS is a D3 competitive high school in the Monticello Empire League. There are multiple Varsity and JV coaching positions open for the 2020 season, with stipends at both levels, and currently three full time teaching positions open in Special Education, Art, and Choir with many more teaching positions opening at the end of the school year in all subjects. Our new Varsity coach is looking for people who have experience with the following : Offensive Philosophy: Zone read - quick pass triple option (RPO), control the clock, keep opposing defenses off balance, and put playmakers in space. Defensive Philosophy: Attacking and disciplined focused on creating turnovers, shutting down opposing offenses, and scoring defensive TDs. Special Teams Philosophy: Apply pressure on opponents by pinning them in their territory and looking to score at all times. We're looking for coaches who are student athlete driven, motivated, understand the time and effort required for growing and maintaining a successful football program, and the ability to "teach" football, not just coach it, at the high school level and above. Candidates will be expected to attend off-season conditioning, spring/summer football, coaches meetings, and practices. If interested please send resume to Matthew Powell (AD) at Matthewp@fsusd.org and Don Mosley (Head Varsity Coach) at donm@fsusd.org.
Lambert (GA): After six seasons leading the program, Louis Daniel will not return.
"If you want to see a team that has tremendous culture, watch them on special teams."
Marcos De Niza (Tempe, AZ): Eric Lauer has stepped down as head coach after two seasons, per source.
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Mountain Pointe (AZ): Eric Lauer has been named the new Head Coach at Mountain Pointe HS. Coach Lauer has been the head coach at Marcos de Niza the past two seasons where he led the Padres to the quarterfinals.
Lambert (GA): Lambert HS is accepting applications for the position of Head Varsity Football Coach. Candidates should display advanced knowledge of football skills and fundamentals, as well as good communication and leadership skills. Minimum of five years of coaching experience on the varsity level preferred. Head Coaching and Offensive - Defensive Coordinator experience preferred. Candidates must be able to obtain and hold a Georgia Teaching Certificate. Please send letters of interest and resumes to Athletic Director Drew Ferrer at DFERRER@Forsyth.K12.ga.us. Deadline to Apply is January 10th, 2020. Please put Head Football Coach Application in the subject line of the email.
Mountain Pointe (AZ): Mountain Pointe High School is in need of two qualified coaches on either side of the ball (best fit). Teaching positions available immediately include one in Physical Education and one in Health. Those interested should be ready to start in January. Mountain Pointe plays in the highest classification in Arizona and has a long tradition. Those interested should email head coach Eric Lauer at elauer@tempeunion.org and Athletic Director Aaron Frana at afrana@tempeunion.org.
Pasco (FL): Historic Pasco HS is looking for a CERTIFIED PE coach that is able to begin in January. Need a JV Offensive Coordinator that is willing to learn the Flexbone Offense. Needs a guy who is about kids & willing to put in the time it takes to build a championship program! The job is already posted, so time is of the essence! Contact Coach Jason Stokes ASAP if interested at Coachstokes51@gmail.com.
Glenelg (MD): Glenelg HS in Howard County, Maryland is a 2A West school of 1100 students and looking to hire 1-2 coaches. Position/responsibility will be based on experience. Teaching positions are a strong possibility in all areas. Please contact HFC: Tim Cullen at timothy_cullen@hcpss.org.
Fort Worth Southwest (TX): Fort Worth Southwest High School has an immediate opening for an assistant football coach with Wide Reciever coaching experience. Applicants should be Texas certified in secondary Mathematics or English Language Arts. The position start date is January 6th, 2020. Applicants should email their resume to coachdfrank@gmail.com.
Alonzo and Tracy Mourning (FL): Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School (ATM), is looking for a highly energetic, hardworking, passionate dedicated, loyal, and professional football coaches. Opportunities for another stipend can be available if your have the credentials; such as Head Track Coach or Speed Coach. As an "A/B" ranked school the Mission of Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High is to support student learning through the cooperation, devotion and determination of all stakeholders, including parents, students, teachers, administrators, support personnel, and the communities in which our students live. Our beautiful campus is in the city of North Miami next to FIU (North Campus). At this present time we are looking for football coaches: Offensive Coordinator, Defensive Coordinator, Special Teams Coordinator and positional coaches for the near future. All teachers must be state certified (for the state of Florida) or be willing to get state certified or have a (5yr temporary certificate). All teacher applicants must fill out an application with Dade County Public Schools and be willing to go thru the hiring process. Also positions in the building may be available: Para Professionals, Security, Janitors, etc. If you are interested in this position, please contact Head Football Coach Andre' J Neal via email and send your resume to A1neal@dadeschools.net.
Central Academy of Technology and Arts (NC): CATA is in search of assistant coaches. This past year CATA fielded a JV program with about 30 players and improved to 5-5. CATA is returning to varsity play in 2020. All teaching positions will be considered. All coaching positions will be considered. Prior coaching experience is preferred. Please email cover letter and resume to HFC Drew Hackett at drew.hackett@ucps.k12.nc.us.
Hillard Davidson (OH): Head coach Brian White has announced his retirement following 20 years leading the program. White compiled a record of 191-52, including Division 1 state titles in 2006 and 2009.
Morgantown (WV): Morgantown High School is looking to hire our new Head Football Coach. Please look for the position to be posted via this link on the Monongalia County Web site. The job will be posted through January 10. Interviews will be set to follow. Morgantown High is the the largest school, by enrollment in WV, and has a rich tradition in football claiming AAA, the largest classification in WV, Championships in 1983, 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2005. Candidates with head coaching experience is preferred. All applicants must bid on the position through Monongalia County Schools bid sheet. Resumes may be sent to jsbowers@k12.wv.us.