Yesterday morning, after reading an article on that quoted him, I thought I disagreed with Dana Holgorsen on the subject of FBS teams playing FCS teams. Then, @SmartFootball and a host of others pointed out that in reality, Dana had said almost exactly what I wrote; but our good friends at ESPN had taken some exceptional latitude in twisting / repurposing his words. After watching the video and listening to what he actually said, it turns out Dana is a pretty shrewd guy.
Now, put that behind you; and jump forward to today because it has nothing to do with this story.
Word was released today that West Virginia and Pitt are reviving the Backyard Brawl beginning in 2022 (just a scant seven years from now). Seems like enough time to light some "proverbial" fires between those two fanbases.
For good measure, Dana took to twitter to express his feeling about the ole rivalry coming back for more.
Yep, Dana is ESPecially Happy. For those perhaps not especially in-tuned to the idiosyncrasies that are the WVU - Pitt rivaly; well, back in the day, as ESPN notes, the fine folks of West Virginia used to simply say, "Eat S**t Pitt". That, my friends, is why rivalries are great for the game. Bravo, Dana. Next time I see you, first one is on me. For those wondering, 2,564 days and counting. #RivalriesRock