Ohio State receivers coach Zach Smith demonstrates why you don't want to piss off Buckeye Nation (Top)

Ohio State receivers coach Zach Smith did something that many shoppers are familiar with during the holiday season. Smith walked into Target, with receipt in hand, to return some electronics that added up to around $600.

However, Target apparently informed him of a top-secret return policy on electronics that prevented him from getting his money back.

Smith, who has over 26,000 followers, took to Twitter to voice his displeasure...and he made it clear that Buckeye fans are not a fan base you want pissed off.

It didn't take long for Buckeye Nation to join coach Smith, with some patrons apparently even heading to nearby stores to join in the protest. While I can't verify the validity of that picture, if it's accurate, that's amazing.

The result got @Target trending in more than just Columbus, with fans from Utah to the East Coast vowing to boycott Target until amends are made. Not exactly the kind of publicity you want before the holidays.

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S/O to @Target - Wont let me return unopened item w/ a receipt bc of some unlisted-top secret return policy on electronics #BusinessEthics

— Zach S❌ith #Zone6 (@CoachZachSmith) December 13, 2015

" target="_blank">Smith's Twitter timeline more here to see some entertaining reactions to his ongoing issue with the retail giant. It's a good way to spend your Monday morning.
